Greyhound Wagering


Greyhound Wagering Dictionary

Across the Board
A win, place and show wager on a particular greyhound.

Advance wagering
Wagers that are accepted on a race later during a performance or on a future performance.

American Greyhound Council, Inc., a non-profit group jointly supported by American Greyhound Track Operators Association members and National Greyhound Association members, the purpose of which is to provide for the health, welfare, and safety of racing greyhounds within the greyhound industry.

American Greyhound Track Operators Association, a non-profit corporation comprised of the owners and operators of greyhound race tracks.

All-America Team:
The top eight USA racing greyhounds selected each year by American Greyhound Track Operators Association.

Association of Racing Commissioners International, Inc., based in Lexington, Kentucky.

Bertillon Card:
A greyhound's identification card that lists 56 physical identifying points for every registered racing greyhound.

A covering for a greyhound bearing a number and color corresponding to post position.

The individual who is the owner or lessee of his or her dam at the time of whelping.

The position of each greyhound at specific points around the racing oval, as "called" by the track Chartwriter during a race.

Career Record:
A series of five numbers indicating, in order, a greyhound's total number of starts, followed by first place, second place, third place and fourth place finishes. Often preceded by an abbreviation showing the track at which the starts were recorded.

A record of each race showing finish, calls, odds and comments describing each racer's performance; useful to handicappers studying a greyhound's past performance.

Dead heat:
An exact tie between two or more greyhounds in a single race.

Two race performances in the same day.

A random process by which each greyhound's starting position is determined.

Escape turn:
The turn or curve at which the mechanical lure disappears after the race is over.

Fast track:
A firm track on which the greyhound can achieve its best speed.

Flashy Sir Award:
Given each year to the nation's top distance (3/8-mile) greyhound by a vote of National Greyhound Association members; named for an outstanding distance greyhound of the mid-1940s.

Night Of Stars:
The Greyhound Night Of Stars, the premier semi-annual simulcast event in American greyhound racing, sponsored by the AGTOA.

Greyhound Pets Of America, the world's largest greyhound pet adoption organization with chapters throughout the United States.

Grading System:
Method of assuring greyhounds compete against racers of similar caliber; grades are assigned according to performance, with the top grade being "A".

Greyhound Hall of Fame:
A museum and shrine to the greats of the sport. Located in Abilene, Kansas.

In the Money:
A first, second or third place finish.

Intentional and unusual physical contact which obstructs or impedes the running of another greyhound. After being called for interference, a greyhound must run in a non-wagering race before he can compete again.

Intertrack Wagering. Wagering between tracks located within the same state.

A business that cares for and races greyhounds under contract with one or more race tracks.

A handler employed by the track who parades racers in front of the public before a race and places the greyhounds in the starting box.

A mechanical device attached to an arm and electrically driven around the racing strip. The lure operator keeps it a uniform distance ahead of the greyhounds.

A program of racing conducted during the daylight hours.

Mutuel Handle:
The total sum wagered for a single performance or a full meeting.

A wire, leather or plastic devise, with a white tip, which is fitted over the greyhound's mouth and jaws and used as an aid in a close photo finish.

North American Parimutuel Regulators Association.

National Greyhound Association, made up of greyhound owners, breeders and trainers; recognized as a registry for racing greyhounds in the United States.

O.P. Smith:
Owen Patrick Smith, inventor of a revolutionary mechanical lure circa 1912 that could travel around a circular track; considered the "father" of American greyhound racing.

The area of lockout kennels, scales and the inspection ring.

Pari-mutuel Wagering:
Taken from the French term meaning "betting between ourselves"; wagering in which winnings are taken from the total amount of money wagered.

A wagering term describing the first two greyhounds to cross the finish line in exact order.

A wagering term describing the second greyhound to cross the finish line.

A greyhound's box or post position number. A greyhound's number always corresponds to the number of his starting box.

Post Time:
The time the first race of a performance begins, or any other race on the program.

A printed guide to the day's races, including details such as the specifications and grades of individual races, track records, post positions, past performances, handicappers' selections, results of the previous day's races and entries for the following day or night.

Quiniela Double:
A wagering term describing the two greyhounds finishing first and second in any order in two designated races.

A wagering term describing the two greyhounds finishing first and second in either order.

Racing Commission:
A state or county regulatory agency that oversees all aspects of greyhound racing.

Rural Rube Award:
Given each year to the nation's top Sprint (5/16-mile) greyhound as voted by National Greyhound Association members; named for an outstanding sprinter of the late 1930s.

A wagering term describing the third greyhound to cross the finish line.

Interstate broadcast of greyhound performances via satellite, among parimutuel race tracks, and off-track locations. Wagering takes place between tracks located across state lines.

A race run over five-sixteenth of a mile or shorter distance.

Stakes Race:
A race for a championship or for a purse larger than those offered for ordinary feature races.

A greyhound becomes a starter for the race when the doors of the starting box open.

A wagering term describing the first four greyhounds to cross the finish line in exact order.

The money taken from the betting pool by track management for the state and for the association.

An identification number placed inside the ear of a registered racing greyhound.

Totalisator Machine:
A computerized system that records amounts wagered, prints tickets for bettors, calculates odds and displays them on screens throughout a race track.

A kennel employee whose responsibilities include preparing greyhounds for racing, and caring for them at all times.

A wagering term describing the first three greyhounds to cross the finish line in exact order.

Twin Trifecta:
A wagering term describing the first three greyhounds to cross the finish line in exact order in two designated races.

World Greyhound Racing Federation, a worldwide promotional association for the sport.

A wagering term describing the selection of a greyhound to win, place or show with every other greyhound in the race.

A wagering term describing the first greyhound across the finish line.

The finish line for a race!